Hero Dad Coaching

  • Helping All Men to Model
    Excellence in Fatherhood

    We envision a world where divorced men and single
    fathers feel confident and supported in their journey
    post-divorce, fostering healing and transformation.

  • Because Every Dad Deserves a Second Chance to be a Hero

    HeroDad Coaching is an all encompassing program that is dedicated to helping Single dads, and other men, rebuild their lives after getting divorced.

About Me

Ryan C. Brown is an ICF-accredited coach dedicated to guiding divorced men and fathers through their journey of self-discovery post-divorce. With a rich background as a former Pastor, Ryan brings years of honed expertise in active listening, conflict resolution, and personal development to his coaching practice.Currently spearheading a comprehensive coaching platform tailored for men and fathers, Ryan offers a holistic toolkit featuring books, templates, teaching modules, webinars, and other invaluable resources to navigate the challenges of separation with confidence. Elevate your post-divorce journey with coaching sessions available now.


Ryan – Founder


We envision a world where divorced men and single fathers feel confident and supported in their journey post-divorce, fostering healing and transformation.
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Our mission is to guide divorced men and single fathers to reclaim their lives, strengthen relationships, and find joy. Through coaching and resources, we empower men to overcome obstacles and create fulfilling lives after divorce
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From My Clients

Ready to be a HeroDad? Let’s Connect

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